Sponsored by ZEISS


By Marisol Rodriguez, ABO-AC, NCLEC

In 2022, over 35 million Americans were struggling with the compounding effects of Dry Eye Disease. Today, the number has been estimated to be closer to 50 million. While complex, Dry Eye Disease (DED) by definition is a compromise to the ocular surface’s tear film quality or quantity, with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) being one of the leading causes. Patient education, early diagnosis, intervention and compliance with at-home treatments have been some of the greatest challenges for both the practitioner and the patient. With the development of a disposable, soothing and relaxing Warm Eye Mask, ZEISS has afforded patients the opportunity and convenience to execute the therapy prescribed to them routinely.

Our tear film comprises three layers (most anterior to posterior to the ocular surface): the lipid, aqueous and mucin layers. The lipid (oily) layer produced by our meibomian glands is located along the superior and inferior palpebral lid margins. With MGD, these oily glands can get clogged or atrophied, diminishing the tear film quality and affecting the integrity of the ocular surface. The lacrimal glands produce the aqueous (watery fluid) layer, which nourishes the eye with electrolytes and oxygen and protects it by washing away epithelial debris and toxins. Finally, the mucin layer produced by goblet cells helps adhere the basal tear film to our ocular surface, preventing it from overflowing over our lids. This tear film simultaneously lathers, lubricates, cleans and nourishes our ocular surface with each complete blink.

Dry Eye symptoms are one of the leading reasons why patients schedule evaluations with their eyecare physicians. A comprehensive evaluation by a dry eye specialist, whether an optometrist or ophthalmologist, is necessary to determine the best form of treatment. If treated early, preventative care can manage many of the accompanying early symptoms, including photophobia, burning or stinging sensation, hyperemia, fatigue, sore eyes, a gritty feeling, blepharitis and reduced clarity in vision. If these symptoms are left untreated, they can ultimately become chronic and affect quality of life.

Early intervention and patient education are essential for the efficacy of treatment in an attempt to break the vicious cycle of discomfort with DED. Whether for education, communication, work or entertainment, excessive usage of digital screens can affect meibomian gland function due to reduced blink rates, encouraging poor tear distribution and increasing oxidation on the ocular surface. However, since it is a multifactorial diagnosis, there are a multitude of factors taken into consideration, such as environment or climate, Contact Lens Induced Dry Eye (or CLIDE), eyelid hygiene, side effects from medications, age and gender (historically, common in females), and systemic and overall ocular health. If left untreated, evaporative DED is both progressive and degenerative to the ocular surface eyelid hygiene and can promote a vicious cycle of dry eye discomfort, making it difficult to treat as time goes on.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, one recommended at-home treatment for dry eye symptoms is: “Putting warm compresses on your eyes can help release oil in your eyelids’ glands, helping to improve the quality of your tears.” While effective, the actual process can be tedious. Multiple methods suggested to encourage the natural tear flow include a water basin, a hard-boiled egg, a hot, moist towel, etc. However, compliance and prep are the problematic parts, and with many heating agents, you have to ensure they are at a specific temperature so as not to induce injury. Conversely, it may not stay at a consistent temperature for the duration of the treatment, rendering the treatment intermittently effective or too cumbersome to add to a daily routine. With ZEISS Warm Eye Mask, it’s convenient and entails no prep time—simply close your eyes and relax anywhere! The Warm Eye Mask relaxes and stimulates your eyelids while unblocking your meibomian glands. As a user of this product, I can attest to its ease of use. For 15 minutes and no prep time, I was able to simply open the package and place the mask on while relaxing at home. Once exposed to air, the ZEISS Warm Eye Mask heats up automatically to the perfect temperature for the delicate skin around the eyes. It distributes a calming heat that is gentle, soothing and relaxing. This helps relieve the discomfort of dry, tired and strained eyes—so your eyes feel refreshed. With a simplified solution, ZEISS Warm Eye Mask is truly a sight for sore eyes.