
H20 - Key Facts Relative to Contact lens Wear and Care

1. This percent of the Earth's water is drinkable
2. The water cycle is also known as the
3. The number of steps for proper handwashing
4. The active form of pseudomonas is
5. The number of steps in the water cycle
6. The pH of tear film is
7. The percent of acanthamoeba keratitis patients who wear contact lenses
8. The property that allows water to stick to other surfaces
9. When lake water penetrates the contact lens matrix
10. One element found in saliva is
11. The property that allows water to stick to itself is
12. When ocean water penetrates the contact lens matrix
13. The layer of tear film secreted by meibomian, Zeiss and Mol glands is
14. This disrupts the pH of the tear film upon contact lens insertion
15. The layer of tear film secreted by the lacrimal glands
16. The healthiest contact lens option is
17. A common trace mineral in tap water is
18. The layer of tear film secreted by goblet cells
19. The time period that one can wear a contact lens
20. A common condition of wearing contact lenses in a swimming pool
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