By Jillian Urcelay


Frame materials are a deluxe element of Independent Eyewear. Showcase the artistry of frames crafted with premium materials such as horn, titanium, gold and luxurious zyls, and highlight their exclusive qualities with your customers.


Built solely on an eyewear heritage, Independent Eyewear doesn’t need to rely on a popular brand name. In lieu of flashy logos and recognizable branding details, frame designs focus on distinct craftsmanship, providing the perfect opportunity to play up their exclusivity to your customers.


Partner with your Independent Eyewear sales reps and host a trunk show to introduce your customers to new brands. Set a festive mood with music and refreshments, and curate a selection of frame styles to encourage try-ons.


Many Independent Eyewear brands are handcrafted and produced in smaller batches, incorporating precision techniques such as hand polishing and specialized color treatments. Some offer bespoke and customized capabilities for truly unique and one-of-a-kind pieces.