
A Force for Good

1. CSR is the acronym for:
2. What percentage of consumers stated they would tell friends and family about a brand's CSR efforts in a 2015 study?
3. What are the 3 R's of sustainability?
4. Ducks Unlimited has more than 700,000 members (and is growing every day) and has helped conserve more than __ million acres of land across the United States.
5. The benefits of CSR go beyond consumer brand loyalty to better employee retention and:
6. Altruism, the giving at a cost to oneself, is:
7. The McGee Group has proudly partnered with the Vera Bradley Foundation for more than 15 years, sharing the Foundation's commitment to finding a cure for:
8. Which generation give the most per capita each year and donate to the largest number of charities?
9. Which generation the same year the iPad?
10. CSR demonstrates a commitment to improving the world which:
11. What year was Prevent Blindness founded?
12. A study by Aflac said ___% of investors consider CSR a sign of "ethical corporate behavior, which reduces investment risk."
13. How much did Americans give to charity in 2021 according to the Give Back report?
14. Life is Good donates __% of its annual net profits to help kids in need.
15. Humans feel good when they give back a fact corroborated in numerous brain studies that showed that giving increases activity in the pleasure center of our brain, aka:
16. Both millennials and Gen Z grew up in a world that encouraged recycling and social good. Instead of donating money directly to causes they care about, shoppers under the age of 40 prefer to:
17. The McGee Group's maxim is:
18. According to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman, purchasing decisions occur in the subconscious mind and he tells us that _____is what drives purchasing behaviors and decision making in general.
19. Conscious consumerism dates to the ____ when Quakers and free Black abolitionist started the free produce movement encouraging the purchase of free-made goods.
20. Studies show that one of the major reasons given by job applicants for applying at companies is:
Evaluation Questions
21. In questions 21-23 please rate the effectiveness of how well each course met the stated learning objectives: Met the stated learning objectives?
22. Avoided commercial bias/influence?
23. How would you rate the overall quality of the material presented?
24. How were you directed to this course?
25. Please describe the office in which you work.